The Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for Postgraduate Studies/University of Baghdad held a training workshop entitled “Recycling Plastic Materials” by the institute’s teaching assistant, Yasser Hossam Sabah, while Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Mohsen Muslim Shami was the session’s rapporteur.
A number of professors and employees of the institute participated in the workshop.
The workshop aimed to increase awareness about the dangers of using plastic materials.
The workshop included an introduction to polymers and their types, a historical overview of polymers, what are the effects of these polymers on humans, animals and plants, how their types were classified based on the chemicals used in them to enter the recycling process, and what are the benefits and risks of recycling.
The workshop recommended encouraging the reduction of the use of plastic materials due to the many risks they cause.
It also recommended encouraging the placement of special wastebaskets for plastic materials, as well as the use of wooden or glass materials as they are safer.

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