Welcome to the website of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
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Genetic Engineering Holds a Scientific Symposium on Genetic Differences and Intelligence

Genetic Engineering Discusses the Study of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from the Umbilical Cord and the Umbilical Cord Insertion Region in Cesarean Births in Iraq

During the International Women’s Day Celebration, the President of Al-Nahrain University Honors Dr. Al-Awadi and Congratulates Her on Assuming a Leadership Position

Genetic Engineering Institute Discusses Favism: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Genetic Engineering Institute Discusses the Relationship Between Gene Expression, miRNA-499 Genotypes, and Interleukin-17 Levels in the Serum of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Genetic Engineering Institute Holds a Seminar on a Potential Cancer Tumor Treatment

Genetic Engineering Institute Discusses the Relationship Between SARS-CoV-2 and Liver Infection

National Afforestation Day

Head of the Genetic Engineering Department Participates as a Committee Member in the First PhD Dissertation Defense in the Microbiology Department at the College of Medicine, University of Anbar

Genetic Engineering Discusses RETN Gene Polymorphism in Breast Cancer Patients